Adding transparency to an image
Smoothing the edges of an image to reduce jaggedness
Adjusting the image's color balance
Applying special effects to text
Making rectangular selections
Making elliptical selections
Making freehand selections
Drawing straight lines
From the "Filter" menu
Using the "Brush Tool"
In the "View" menu
By adjusting the canvas size
Adjusting the image's saturation
Viewing a graphical representation of the tonal distribution in an image
Applying artistic filters to an image
Creating custom shapes
Paint Bucket Tool
Gradient Tool
Eyedropper Tool
Clone Stamp Tool
Drawing freehand shapes
Making precise selections based on color
Creating paths and shapes
Adjusting image brightness
Blurring the edges of an image
Smoothing or blending colors in an image
Adding text to images
Applying artistic filters
The color intensity of an image
The transparency of a layer or brushstroke
The sharpness of an image
The color temperature of an image
Press Ctrl + N (Windows) or Command + N (Mac)
Click on the "New Layer" button in the Layers panel
Select "File > New" from the menu
Press Ctrl + C (Windows) or Command + C (Mac)
Measuring distances and angles in an image
Adjusting image saturation
By using the "Rotate" option in the "View" menu
By selecting the "Rotate" tool from the toolbar
By pressing Ctrl + R (Windows) or Command + R (Mac)
Adding color to an image
Selecting a foreground or background color
Adjusting image brightness and contrast
Applying filters to an image
Blur Tool
Sharpen Tool
Sponge Tool
Apply quick filters to an image
Create selections using a red overlay
Change the image resolution
Adjust the canvas size
Darkens areas of an image
Lightens areas of an image
Blurs the edges of an image
Converts color images to grayscale
Applying gradient fills
Filters applied to images
Different levels of image resolution
Separate, stacked images that can be edited independently
The adjustment of image brightness and contrast