JAVA Assignment

UNIT - 4

Arithmetic Operators

Write a Write a program that calculates the number of miles that light will travel in 1000 days

Write a Create a program that will generate a bill at McDonald based on given details

Write a Create a program in Java to convert km to miles

Write a Write a program to find the sum and difference between 25 and 16 using variables in different lines

Write a Java program to average of 36,45 and 53 using variables of adequate data type.

Write a Java program using int variables to find the sum of three numbers say 15 36 and 45 and subtract the result from 100 using variables

Write a java program to input the Principal Rate and Time for a certain amount of money and print the Simple Interest

Write a java program to input the length and breadth of a rectangle and find its area and perimeter

Write a java program to calculate the area of a cylinder

Write a java program to calculate the volume of a cone

Write a Java program to initialize three int variables a, b and c with 234, 456 and 712 and store the sum of the last digits of the variables

Write a java program to input five integers and find their average

Write a java program to input the radius of a circle and find its area and perimeter

Write a java program to input the length breadth and height of a cuboid and find its Volume and Total Surface Area

Write a java program to input the radius and height of a cylinder and find its volume and total surface area

Write a java program to input the temperature in Fahrenheit and change it to Celsius

Write a java program to input time in seconds and display the time broken up as hours minutes

Write a java program to input the time in hours minutes and seconds and print it in seconds

Write a java program to input three integers and find their sum without using plush operator

Write a java program to input the Basic Pay of an employee and find the gross pay of the employee for the following allowances and deductions

Write a java program to input an integer and if positive change it to negative and if negative change it to positive

Write a java program to find out the aggregate marks and percentage marks obtained by the student

Write a java program to input selling price of 15 items and profit amount then find the cost price

Write a java program to input three integers and find the difference between their sum and their average

UNIT - 14

For Loop

Write a Write a program to find the sum of 1st 10 odd natural numbers.

Write a Write a program to find the sum of 1st 10 even natural numbers.

Write a Write a program to find the sum of all 3-digit even natural numbers.

Write a Write a program to find the sum of all 3 digit odd natural numbers, which are multiples of 5.

Write a Write a program to input an integer and find its factorial.

Write a Write a program to input an integer and print its factors.

Write a Write a program to input an integer and count the number of factors.

Write a java program to input an integer and check whether it is a prime number or not.

Write a java program to input 10 integers and find their sum.

Write a java program to input 10 integers and find the sum of even numbers only.

Write a java program to input 10 integers and find the sum of two digit as well as three digit numbers separately

Write a java program to input 10 integers and display the largest integer

Write a java program to input 10 integers and display the largest as well as the smallest integer

Write a java program to input 10 integers and display the largest even integer

Write a java program to input 10 integers and display the largest even and smallest odd integer

Write a java program to input 10 integers and check whether all the entered numbers are even numbers or not

Write a java program to input 10 integers and check whether all the entered numbers are same or not.

Write a java program to input 10 integers and check whether the entered numbers are in ascending order or not

Write a java program to find the sum of 1st 10 numbers of Fibonacci series

Write a java program to print the first 15 numbers of the Pell series

Write a java program to find the sum of 1st 10 numbers of Lucas series

Write a java program to input an integer and check whether it is perfect, abundant or deficient number

Write a java program to input two integers and check whether it forms an amicable pair or not

Write a java program to pass an integer as argument and find the sum of its digits

Write a java program to pass an integer as argument and find the sum of odd digits and even digits separately

Write a java program to pass an integer as argument and find the average of its digits

Write a java program to pass an integer as argument and print the largest as well as smallest digit

Write a java program to input an integer and remove all the even digits from it

Write a java program to pass an integer as argument and check whether all digits in it are even digit or not

Write a java program to pass an integer as argument and check whether the digits are in ascending order or not

Write a java program to pass an integer as argument and check whether it is Armstrong number or not

Write a java program to input an integer and check whether it is an automorphic trimorphic or automorphic number or no

Write a java program to input an integer and check whether it is Harshad or Niven number or not

Write a java program to input a number and check whether it is a Kaprekar number or not

Write a java program to input two integers and find their Least Common Multiple

Write a java program to input two integers and find their Highest Common Factor

Write a java program to check whether number is a Palindrome or a Perfect number.

Write a java program to check number is buzz if is it then find GCD

Write a java program to check number is a prime and Automorphic or not

Write a java program to input 10 integers and print the second largest number

Write a java program to find the sum of the following series

Write a java program to print the sum of negative numbers, sum of positive even numbers and sum of positive odd numbers

Write a java program for a game of dice is to be simulated for two players, each player gets a chance to throw his dice

Write a java program to input 10 integers and find the sum of two digit as well as threedigit numbers separately

Write a java program to input a number and check and print whether it is a Pronic number or not

Write a java program for Duck number

Write a java program to print denomination of an input amount and also print the number of notes

Write a java program to print fibonacci series up to n terms

Write a java program to check entered number is prime palindrome or not

UNIT - 18

Nested for Loop

Write a java program to input 10 integers and find the sum of the prime numbers only

Write a java program to input 10 integers and find the average of the prime numbers only

Write a java program to input 10 integers and find the sum of the perfect numbers only

Write a java program to input 10 integers and find the average of the perfect numbers only

Write a java program to input 10 integers and find the largest prime number if any

Write a java program to input 10 integers and find the smallest perfect number if any

Write a java program to generate all 2 digit prime numbers

Write a java program to generate all perfect numbers between 1 to 100

Write a java program to generate all 3 digit palindrome numbers

Write a java program to Input an integer and check whether it is a special number or not.

Write a java program to input a number and check whether it is a magic number or no

Write a java program to input an integer as argument and print the number by having the digits arranged in ascending order

Write a java program to pass an integer as argument and check whether all digits in it are unique or not

Write a java program to pass an integer as argument and print the frequency of each digit in it

Write a jaav program to input 10 numbers and print the largest prime number if any

Write a java program to generate all 2 digit twisted prime number

Write a java program to Input an integer and form a new number where the digits are in ascending order

Write a java program to pass an integer as argument and print the second largest digit

Write a java program to print floyds triangle

Write a java program for pattern printing

Write a java program to print all prime palindrome number between m and n

UNIT - 22

String Handling

Write a Java program to enter a sentence and print the words which starting with a vowel

Write a Java Program to Swap first and last character of each words in a Sentence

Write a Java program to remove duplicate character from string

Write a java to swap first character of each word with next character

Write a Java Program to check input string is Palindrome or Not

Write a Java program to from a new word by extracting the first letter of each word in the entered sentence

Write a Java program to convert first letter of each word in a sentence to uppercase and the remaining letters to lowercase

Write a java program to check entered word is happy word or not

Write a java program to check whether the given string is pangram or not.

Write a java program to find the potential of a word is found by adding the ASCII value of the alphabets

Write a java program to input a string in uppercase and print the frequency of each character

Write a java program to count the double letter sequences word in given string

Write a java program to encodes a word into Piglatin

Write a java program to print file name and extension of file from given url

Write a java program to accept date in dd mm yyyy format and check whether it is valid date or not

Write a java program to print and count all the palindrome words in input sentence

Write a java program to count the number of vowel and consonants in each word of sentence

Write a java program to reverse each words of string

Write a java program to find the frequency of given word present in string

Write a java program to convert word to PigLatin word

Write a java program to encode a string based on move

Write a java program to check word or phrase is anagram or not

Write a java program to find the largest and smallest word in sentence

Write a Java program to print only those words which contains all five vowels

Write a java program to find the Maximum Occurrence character in given string

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