Programming Examples
Java program to accept user response of quiz and answer key and find the result
The result of a quiz competition is to be prepared as follows:
The quiz has five questions with four multiple choices (A, B, C, D), with each question carrying 1 mark for the correct answer. Design a program to accept the number of participants N such that N must be greater than 3 and less than 11. Create a double dimensional array of size (Nx5) to store the answers of each participant row-wise.
Calculate the marks for each participant by matching the correct answer stored in a single dimensional array of size 5. Display the scores for each participant and also the participant(s) having the highest score.
Example: If the value of N = 4, then the array would be:
Test your program with the sample data and some random data:
Example 1
INPUT : N = 5
Participant 1 D A B C C
Participant 2 A A D C B
Participant 3 B A C D B
Participant 4 D A D C B
Participant 5 B C A D D
Key: B C D A A
OUTPUT : Scores :
Participant 1 D A B C C
Participant 1 = 0
Participant 2 = 1
Participant 3 = 1
Participant 4 = 1
Participant 5 = 2
Highest score: Participant 5
Example 2
INPUT : N = 4
Participant 1 A C C B D
Participant 2 B C A A C
Participant 3 B C B A A
Participant 4 C C D D B
Key: A C D B B
OUTPUT : Scores :
Participant 1 = 3
Participant 2 = 1
Participant 3 = 1
Participant 4 = 3
Highest score:
Participant 1
Participant 4
Example 3
INPUT : N = 12
import java.util.*;
class QuizResult
char A[][],K[];
int S[],n;
void input()
Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
System.out.print("Enter number of participants : ");
n = sc.nextInt();
if(n<4 || n>10)
System.out.println("INPUT SIZE OUT OF RANGE");
A = new char[n][5]; // Array to store the answers of every participants
K = new char[5]; // Array to store answer key
S = new int[n]; // Array to store score of every participant
System.out.println("\n* Enter answer of each participant row-wise in a single line *\n");
for(int i = 0; i<n; i++)
System.out.print("Participant "+(i+1)+" : ");
for(int j=0; j<5; j++)
A[i][j] =;
System.out.print("\nEnter Answer Key : ");
for(int i = 0; i<5; i++)
K[i] =;
void CalcScore() // Function to calculate score of every participant
for(int i = 0; i<n; i++)
S[i] = 0;
for(int j=0; j<5; j++)
if(A[i][j] == K[j]) // Checking if Answer of the participants match with the key or not
void printScore()
int max = 0;
System.out.println("\nSCORES : ");
for(int i = 0; i<n; i++)
System.out.println("\tParticipant "+(i+1)+" = "+S[i]);
max = S[i]; // Storing the Highest Score
System.out.println("\tHighest Score : "+max);
System.out.println("\tHighest Scorers : ");
for(int i = 0; i<n; i++) // Printing all those participant number who got highest score
if(S[i] == max)
System.out.println("\t\t\tParticipant "+(i+1));
public static void main(String args[])
QuizResult ob = new QuizResult();
Enter number of participants : 4
* Enter answer of each participant row-wise in a single line *
Participant 1 : A C C B D
Participant 2 : B C A A C
Participant 3 : B C B A A
Participant 4 : C C D D B