Programming Examples

Java program to print nd count the kaprekar number between given range

A positive whole number ‘n’ that has ‘d’ number of digits is squared and split into two pieces, a right-hand piece that has ‘d’ digits and a left-hand piece that has remaining ‘d’ or ‘d-1’ digits. If the sum of the two pieces is equal to the number, then ‘n’ is a Kaprekar number. The first few Kaprekar numbers are: 9, 45, 297 ……..

Example 1:


92 = 81, right-hand piece of 81 = 1 and left hand piece of 81 = 8 Sum = 1 + 8 = 9, i.e. equal to the number.

Example 2:


452 = 2025, right-hand piece of 2025 = 25 and left hand piece of 2025 = 20 Sum = 25 + 20 = 45, i.e. equal to the number.

Example 3:


2972 = 88209, right-hand piece of 88209 = 209 and left hand piece of 88209 = 88 Sum = 209 + 88 = 297, i.e. equal to the number.

Given the two positive integers p and q, where p < q, write a program to determine how many Kaprekar numbers are there in the range between p and q (both inclusive) and output them.

The input contains two positive integers p and q. Assume p < 5000 and q < 5000. You are to output the number of Kaprekar numbers in the specified range along with their values in the format specified below:



p = 1

q = 1000 OUTPUT:

THE KAPREKAR NUMBERS ARE:- 1, 9, 45, 55, 99, 297, 703, 999



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