Python Assignments

UNIT - 1


Write a test

Write a test

UNIT - 5

Arithmetic Operation in Python

Write a python Program to obtain temperature in Celsius and convert it into Fahrenheit

Write a python program to print the area of circle when radius of the circle is given by user

Write a python program to print the volume of a cylinder when radius and height of the cylinder is given by user

Write a python program that asks your height in centimeters and converts it into foot and inches

Write a python program accept three side of triangle and find area of a triangle

Write a python program to input principle amount,rate time and calculate simple interes

Write a python program to read a number in n and prints n2 n3 n4

Write a python program which take value of x y z from the user and calculate the equation

Write a python program to take the temperatures of all 7 days of the week and displays the average temperature of that week

Write a python program to obtain three numbers and print their sum

Write a Python program to obtain length and breath of a rectangle and calculate its area

Write a python program to calculate body mass index of a person

Write a python program to input a number and print its cube

Write a python program to input a single digit and print a 3 digit number

Write a python program to calculate the compound interest

Write a python program to find sale price of an item with given price and discount

Write a Python Program to Calculate the Area of a Triangle

Write a python program for addition of two times in hour and minute format

Write a python program for addition of two times in hour minute and second format

Write a python program to print quotient

Write a python program to print quotient

Write a Python program to calculate simple interest

Write a Python program to calculate area and perimeter of a parallelogram

Write a Python program demonstrating working with power operator

Write a Python program of division operator

Write a Python program of modulus

Write a Python program convert dollars in Rupee

Write a Python program to convert kilometers to miles

Write a Python program to convert the distance in feet to inches yards and miles

Write a Python program to display menu to calculate area of square or rectangle

Write a python program to obtain x y z from user and calculate expression

Write a python program that reads a number of seconds and prints it in form mins and seconds

Write a python program to take a 2 digit number and then print the reversed number

Write a python program to take a 3 digit number and then print the reversed number

Write a python program to take two inputs for day month and then calculate which day of the year

Write a python program that asks a user for a number of years and then prints out the number of days hours minutes and seconds

Write a python program that inputs an age and print age after 10 years

Write a python program to calculate the radius of a sphere whose area is given

Write a python program to calculate the area of an equilateral triangle

Write a python program to input the radius of a sphere and calculate its volume

Write a python program to calculate amount payable after simple interest

Write a python program to input the time in second and convert into hours minute and seconds

UNIT - 14

For loop

Write a python program to calculate compound simple interest after taking the principle rate and time

Write a python program that searches for prime numbers from 15 through 25

Write a python program to test if given number is prime or not

Write a python program to check whether square root of a given number is prime or not

Write a python program to print first n odd numbers in descending order.

Write a python program to find the average of the list of the numbers entered through keyboard

Write a python program to find the largest number from the list of the numbers entered through keyboard

Write a python program to find the sum of n natural numbers

Write a python program to find the sum of first n even numbers

Write a python program to find the sum of first n odd numbers.

Write a python program to generate a list of elements of Fibonacci Series

Write a python program to input any number and to print all natural numbers up to given number

Write a python program to input any number and to find sum of all natural numbers up to given number

Write a python program to find the factorial value of given number

Write a python program to print factor of given number

Write a python program to check given number is composite number or not

Write a python program to print table of entered number

Write a python program to calculate the sum of odd numbers divisible by 5 from the range 1 to 100

Write a python program to print Floyds triangle

Write a python program to find all prime numbers up to given number

Write a Python program to print letters of word

Write a Python program to print ASCII code for entered message

Write a Python program to print first ten mersenne numbers

Write a python program to Print numbers from 11 to N When the number is a multiple of 3 print Tipsy when it is a multiple of 7 print Topsy

Write a python program to input N numbers and then print the second largest number

Write a Python program to print every integer between 1 and n divisible by m Also report whether the number that is divisible by m is even or odd

Write a python program to check number is perfect number or not

Write a python program to print all buzz numbers between 1 to n

Write a python program to display the first ten terms of the following series 2 5 10 17

Write a python program to find the sum of first ten terms of the series

UNIT - 15

List in Python

Write a python program to find the 2nd largest number from the list of the numbers entered through keyboard.

Write a python program that creates a list of numbers from 1 to 20 that are divisible by 4

Write a python program to define a list of countries that are a member of BRICS Check whether a county is member of BRICS or not

Write a Python program to read marks of six subjects and to print the marks scored in each subject and show the total marks

Write a Python program to read prices of 5 items in a list and then display sum of all the prices product of all the prices and find the average

Write a Python program to count the number of employees earning more than 1 lakh per annum

Write a python program to create a list of numbers in the range 1 to 10 Then delete all the even numbers from the list and print the final list

Write a python program to generate in the Fibonacci series and store it in a list Then find the sum of all values

Write a python program to find minimum element from a list of elements along with its index in the list

Write a Python program to calculate mean of a given list of numbers

Write a Python program to search for an element in a given list of numbers

Write a python program to count frequency of a given element in a list of numbers

Write a python program to calculate the sum of integers of the list

Write a python program to reverses an array of integers

Write a python program to creates a third list after adding two lists

Write a python program that input a list, replace it twice and then prints the sorted list in ascending and descending order

Write a python program to check if the maximum element of the list lies in the first half of the list or in the second half

Write a python program to display the maximum elements from the two list along with its index in its list

Write a python program to swap list elements with even and locations

Write a python program to rotate list elements with next elements

Write a python program to increment the elements of list

Write a python program to enter a list containing number between 1 and 12 then replace all the entries in the list that are greater than 10 with 10

Write a python program that reverse the list of integers in place

Write a python program to input two list and create third list which contains all elements of the first elements followed by all elements of second list

Write a python program to inter list of string and create a new list that consist of those strings with their first characters removed

Write a python program to create a list using for loop which consist of integers 0 through 49

Write a python program to create a list using for loop which consist square of the integers 1 through 50

Write a python program to create a list using for loop which consist a bb ccc dddd that ends with 26 copies of the letter z.

Write a python program that takes any two list L and M of the same size and adds their elements together in another third list

Write a python program to rotates the elements of list so that fist elements move to second and second to the third

Write a python program to move all duplicate element to the end of list

Write a python program to display the maximum and minimum values form specified range of indexes of a list

Write a python program to compare two equal sized list and print the first index where they differ

Write a Python program that receives a Fibonacci series term and returns a number telling which term it is

Write a Python Program to accept three distinct digits and print all possible combinations from the digits

Write a Python Program to find the successor and predecessor of the largest element in list

UNIT - 32

MySQL Connectivity in Python

Write a python project for grocery shop management system

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