Programming Examples
Python program to add delete and display all record of binary file
Write a Python program to Perform Add, Delete and Display Record operation on binary file
import pickle
def showData():
    while True:
  except EOFError:  Â
def deleteData():
  r=int(input("Enter the Roll No. for Delete : "))
    while True:
      if stu['roll']!=r:
        flag=True      Â
  except EOFError:  Â
  if flag==False:
    print("Record Not Found " )
    print("Record Deleted" )
    for a in l1:
def searchData():
  r=int(input("Enter the Roll No. for Search : "))
    while True:
      if stu['roll']==r:
  except EOFError:  Â
  if flag==False:
    print("Record Not Found " )
def addData():
  while True:
    r=int(input("Enter Roll No : "))
    n=input("Enter name")
    c=input("Enter City")
    a=input("if you want to add more data press Y")
    if a not in ['Y','y']:
while True:
  print("1. Add New Student\n2.Print List of Student\n 3.Search any Student\n4.Delete Record \n5.Exit")
  ch=int(input("Enter Your Choice : "))
  if ch==1:
  elif ch==2:
  elif ch==3:
  elif ch==4:
  elif ch==5:
    print("Invalid Choice ")