Programming Examples
Python Program to Create a dictionary whose keys are month name and whose values are number of days in the corresponding month
Create a dictionary whose keys are month name and whose values are number of days in the corresponding month:
(a) ask the user to enter the month name and use the dictionary to tell how many days are in month .
(b) print out all of the keys in alphabetical order .
(c) print out all of the month with 31 days.
(d) print out the (key - value) pair sorted by the number of the days in each month .
month = { "jan" : 31 , "feb" : 28 , "march" : 31 , "april" : 30 , "may" : 31 , "june" : 30 , "july" : 31 , "aug" : 31 , "sept" : 30 , "oct" : 31 , "nov" : 30 , "dec" : 31}
mon = input("enter the mounth name in short form = ")
print("number of days in ",mon,"=",month [ mon ])
lst = list ( month . keys() )
print( lst )
print( "month which have 31 days --- ")
for i in month :
if month [ i ] == 31 :
print( i )
print("month according to number of days ---")
for i in month :
if month [ i ] == 30 :
for i in month :
if month [ i ] == 31 :
print( i)