Programming Examples
Python program to calculate debt to equity check whether it is risky scenario for investor or not
Write a program to calculate Debt-to-equity (D/E) ratio as [ Total Liabilities / Total shareholders' ] equity after inputting total liabilities and total shareholders' equity. And then print if an investor should invest in the company or not. A D/E ratio greater than 2.0 indicates a risky scenario for an investor.
total_Liabilities = float(input("Enter Total Liabilities : "))
Total_equity = float(input("Enter Total shareholders' equity : "))
ratio = total_Liabilities / Total_equity
if ratio > 2 :
print("a risky scenario for an investor")
else :
print("investor should invest in the company ")
Enter Total Liabilities :4000
Enter Total shareholders' equity :5000
investor should invest in the company
Enter Total Liabilities :60000
Enter Total shareholders' equity :2000
a risky scenario for an investor