Python : Program List
Program [1]
html program to display a table with 5 rows and 4 columns. Provide appropriate heading to the form
Program [2]
HTML page to demonstrate target attribute in Frames
Program [3]
HTML page to demonstrate a Clickable image
Program [4]
HTML Page to display the following table
Program [5]
design a html form using fieldset and legend
Program [6]
JavaScript code that calculates the squares and cubes from 0 to 10
Program [7]
AngularJS Program to find the Simple Interest
Program [8]
Angular JS program to convert Temperature Fahrenheit to Degree Celsius
Program [9]
AngularJS Program to change the background color of box
Program [10]
AngularJS Program for Dollar to Indian Rupee Conversion
Program [11]
Angular JS program to change the size of circle using range bar
Program [12]
Presentation Lab Assignment 1
Program [13]
Presentation Lab Assignment 2
Program [14]
tkinter-program to create a registration form
Program [15]
tkinter program to add two number
Program [16]
gui program to connect database and store data
Program [17]
django program Displaying Data from the Database
Program [18]
tkinter program to calculate the simple intrest
Program [19]
tkinter application to add delete todo list
Program [20]
tkinter program to create drawing application
Program [21]
tkinter program to create marksheet calculator
Program [22]
tkinter program for temperature convertor