Operators Expressions and Python Statements
Python : Operators Expressions and Python Statements Program List
Program [1]
python Program to obtain temperature in Celsius and convert it into Fahrenheit
Program [2]
pythoon program to read todays date only date Part from user Then display how many days are left in the current month
Program [3]
python program to print the area of circle when radius of the circle is given by user
Program [4]
python program to print the volume of a cylinder when radius and height of the cylinder is given by user
Program [5]
python program that asks your height in centimeters and converts it into foot and inches
Program [6]
python program accept three side of triangle and find area of a triangle
Program [7]
python program to input principle amount,rate time and calculate simple interes
Program [8]
python program to read a number in n and prints n2 n3 n4
Program [9]
python program to calculate compound simple interest after taking the principle rate and time
Program [10]
python program to take two numbers and check that the first number is fully divisible by second number or not
Program [11]
python program which take value of x y z from the user and calculate the equation
Program [12]
python program to take the temperatures of all 7 days of the week and displays the average temperature of that week
Program [13]
python program to check the given year is leap year or not
Program [14]
python program that searches for prime numbers from 15 through 25
Program [15]
python program to test if given number is prime or not
Program [16]
python program to compute the result when two numbers and one operator is given by user
Program [17]
python program to calculate the roots of a given quadratic equation.
Program [18]
python program to input a digit and print it in words
Program [19]
python program to check whether square root of a given number is prime or not
Program [20]
python program to print first n odd numbers in descending order.
Program [21]
python program to find the average of the list of the numbers entered through keyboard
Program [22]
python program to find the largest number from the list of the numbers entered through keyboard
Program [23]
python program to find the sum of n natural numbers
Program [24]
python program to find the sum of first n even numbers
Program [25]
python program to find the sum of first n odd numbers.
Program [26]
python program to generate a list of elements of Fibonacci Series
Program [27]
python program to find simple interest based upon number of years
Program [28]
python program to input any choice and to implement the following
Program [29]
python program to input any number and to print all natural numbers up to given number
Program [30]
python program to input any number and to find sum of all natural numbers up to given number
Program [31]
python program to input any number and to find reverse of that number
Program [32]
python program to input any string and count number of uppercase and lowercase letters
Program [33]
python program to obtain three numbers and print their sum
Program [34]
Python program to obtain length and breath of a rectangle and calculate its area
Program [35]
python program to calculate body mass index of a person
Program [36]
python program to input a number and print its cube
Program [37]
python program to input two number and swap them
Program [38]
python program to input three number and swap 3 numbers
Program [39]
python program to read 3 numbers in 3variables and swap first two variables with the sums of first and second
Program [40]
python program to input a single digit and print a 3 digit number
Program [41]
python program to accept a integer number and find its sum of digit
Program [42]
python program to count the number of digits in given number
Program [43]
python program to find the factorial value of given number
Program [44]
python program to print factor of given number
Program [45]
python program to check given number is composite number or not
Program [46]
python program to find the largest digit of a given number
Program [47]
python program to find the smallest digit of a given number
Program [48]
python program to print table of entered number
Program [49]
python program to calculate the compound interest
Program [50]
python program to find sale price of an item with given price and discount
Program [51]
python program to calculate the sum of odd numbers divisible by 5 from the range 1 to 100
Program [52]
Python Program to Calculate the Area of a Triangle
Program [53]
python program for addition of two times in hour and minute format
Program [54]
python program for addition of two times in hour minute and second format
Program [55]
python program to check number is positive negative or zero
Program [56]
python program to check number is even or odd
Program [57]
python program to check where is profit or loss
Program [58]
python program to check number is buzz number or not
Program [59]
python program to input assets liabilities and capital then check accounting equation means balanced or not
Program [60]
python program to input total debt and total assets and calculate total debt to total assets ratio and check whether major funded by assets or equity
Program [61]
python program to calculate debt to equity check whether it is risky scenario for investor or not
Program [62]
python program to find the difference between greatest and smallest digits presents in the number
Program [63]
python program to print the frequency of digits present in given number
Program [64]
python program to print Floyds triangle
Program [65]
python program to check whether given number is Armstrong or not
Program [66]
python program to find all prime numbers up to given number
Program [67]
python program to convert decimal number to binary
Program [68]
Python program to convert binary to decimal
Program [69]
python program to print quotient
Program [70]
Python program to calculate simple interest
Program [71]
Python program to calculate area and perimeter of a parallelogram
Program [72]
Python program demonstrating working with power operator
Program [73]
Python program of division operator
Program [74]
Python program of modulus
Program [75]
Python program convert dollars in Rupee
Program [76]
Python program to convert kilometers to miles
Program [77]
Python program to convert the distance in feet to inches yards and miles
Program [78]
Python credit card program
Program [79]
Python program to print absolute value of number provided by the user
Program [80]
Python program to check divisibility of a number
Program [81]
Python program to print the largest number
Program [82]
Python program to display menu to calculate area of square or rectangle
Program [83]
Python program to print larger number using swap
Program [84]
Python program to calculate electricity bill
Program [85]
Python program to input three number and print in ascending order
Program [86]
Python program to check character is alphabetic character or not
Program [87]
Python program to print letters of word
Program [88]
Python program to print ASCII code for entered message
Program [89]
Python program to print first ten mersenne numbers
Program [90]
python program to obtain x y z from user and calculate expression
Program [91]
python program that reads a number of seconds and prints it in form mins and seconds
Program [92]
python program to take year as input and check if it is a leap year or not
Program [93]
python program to take two numbers and print if the first number is fully divisible by second number or not
Program [94]
python program to take a 2 digit number and then print the reversed number
Program [95]
python program to take a 3 digit number and then print the reversed number
Program [96]
python program to take two inputs for day month and then calculate which day of the year
Program [97]
python program that asks a user for a number of years and then prints out the number of days hours minutes and seconds
Program [98]
python program that inputs an age and print age after 10 years
Program [99]
python program to find a side of a right angled triangle whose two sides and an angle is given
Program [100]
python program to calculate the radius of a sphere whose area is given
Program [101]
python program to calculate the area of an equilateral triangle
Program [102]
python program to input the radius of a sphere and calculate its volume
Program [103]
python program to calculate amount payable after simple interest
Program [104]
python program to input length of three sides of a triangle Then check if these sides will form a triangle or not
Program [105]
python program to input 3 sides of a triangle and print whether it is an equilateral scalene or isosceles triangle
Program [106]
python program to Print numbers from 11 to N When the number is a multiple of 3 print Tipsy when it is a multiple of 7 print Topsy
Program [107]
python program to input N numbers and then print the second largest number
Program [108]
python program to input list of numbers and find those which are palindromes
Program [109]
python program to place and the most significant digit of number
Program [110]
Python program to print every integer between 1 and n divisible by m Also report whether the number that is divisible by m is even or odd
Program [111]
python program to find the LCM of two input numbers
Program [112]
python program to find GCD of 2 number
Program [113]
python program to check number is perfect number or not
Program [114]
python program to check number is special or not
Program [115]
python program to print first n perfect numbers
Program [116]
Python program using if Elif else statement to find the number of days present in a month
Program [117]
python program to print all buzz numbers between 1 to n
Program [118]
Python program to input 3 numbers and check all are same or not
Program [119]
python program to input 3 numbers from user and check these are unique numbers are not
Program [120]
python program to input 2 integer number and check where they are same of different number
Program [121]
Python function which takes list of integers as input and finds the followings
Program [122]
Python program to print all the prime numbers in the given range
Program [123]
Python program to print the sum of series
Program [124]
python program to input the time in second and convert into hours minute and seconds
Program [125]
python program to obtain the marks in computer of some student and find mean median and mode
Program [126]
Write a Python code to calculate and display the value of Sine 45° and Cosine 30°
Program [127]
python program to input three unequal numbers and display the greatest and the smallest number
Program [128]
python program to accept marks of English math and science and display the appropriate stream allotted to the candidate
Program [129]
python program to calculate income tax based on condition
Program [130]
python program to calculate volume of cuboid cylinder and cone based on user choice
Program [131]
python program to display the first ten terms of the following series 2 5 10 17
Program [132]
python program to find the sum of first ten terms of the series
Program [133]
python program to find the smallest digit of the input number
Program [134]
python program to check whether it is a prime number or not If it is not a prime then display the next number that is prime
Program [135]
python program to accept the Base and Perpendicular and find the Hypotenuse
Program [136]
python program to accept three side of triangle and find its area by using Herons Formula
Program [137]
python program to accept side of Equilateral Triangle and find its area
Program [138]
Python program to check whether dart hit inside board or outside