if else in Pythpn
Python : If else in Pythpn Program List
Program [1]
python program to take two numbers and check that the first number is fully divisible by second number or not
Program [2]
python program to check the given year is leap year or not
Program [3]
python program to calculate the roots of a given quadratic equation.
Program [4]
python program to find simple interest based upon number of years
Program [5]
python program to check where is profit or loss
Program [6]
python program to check number is buzz number or not
Program [7]
python program to input assets liabilities and capital then check accounting equation means balanced or not
Program [8]
python program to input total debt and total assets and calculate total debt to total assets ratio and check whether major funded by assets or equity
Program [9]
python program to calculate debt to equity check whether it is risky scenario for investor or not
Program [10]
python program to input 2 integer number and check where they are same of different number