JAVA Arrays
Java : JAVA Arrays Program List
Program [1]
java program for Keith Number
Program [2]
java program to accept user response of quiz and answer key and find the result
Program [3]
java program to check whether the two strings anagram of each other or not
Program [4]
java program to declare a square matrix and fill the data based on given criteria
Program [5]
java program to rotation input matrix 90 degree and print
Program [6]
java program to accept n elements in array and find its sum and Average
Program [7]
java program to accept n elements in array and find its largest Element
Program [8]
java program to accept n elements in array and find its smallest Element
Program [9]
java program to accept n elements in array and find its largest and smallest Element
Program [10]
java program to accept n elements in array and find the sum of even and odd elements
Program [11]
java program to accept n elements in array and Count the even and odd elements
Program [12]
java program to accept n elements in array and search a specific element using linear search
Program [13]
java program to accept n elements in array and find the frequency of any elements
Program [14]
java program to search any element in sorted array using binary search
Program [15]
java program to check array is sorted or not if sorted then tell where in ascending order or descending
Program [16]
java program to count and print the prime Elements in array
Program [17]
java program to input n elements in array and print unique elements
Program [18]
java program for wondrous square
Program [19]
java program to delete duplicate elements from an array
Program [20]
java program to reverse the array