Programming Examples

C program to check whether the two strings anagram of each other or not.

Write a program to check whether the two strings anagram of each other or not.

Anagram :- When two strings contain the same characters irrespective of the order of occurrence then such strings are known as Anagram.

For Example :-

String1 = LISTEN

String2 = SILENT

So as we can see that both strings have same characters, only the order of characters is different so this is an Anagram.


int check_anagram(char [], char []);
int main()
	char str1[1000]="listen", str2[1000]="silent";
	if (check_anagram(str1, str2))
	printf("The two strings are anagram of each other\n");
	printf("The two strings are not anagram of each other\n");
	return 0;
	int check_anagram(char str1[], char str2[])
	int first[26] = {0}, second[26] = {0}, third=0;
	// Calculating frequency of characters of the first string
	while (str1[third] != '\0') {
	third = 0;
	while (str2[third] != '\0') {
	// Comparing the frequency of characters
	for (third = 0; third < 26; third++)
	if (first[third] != second[third])
	return 0;
	return 1;

The two strings are anagram of each other

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