Keyword Arguments

Keyword Arguments

Keyword arguments will invoke the function after the parameters are recognized by their parameter names. The value of the keyword argument is matched with the parameter name and so, one can also put arguments in improper order (not in order).


def printdata (name):
	print (“Example-1 Keyword arguments”)
	print (“Name :”,name)
# Now you can call printdata() function
printdata(name = “Gshan”)

When the above code is executed, it produces the following output :


Example-1 Keyword arguments

Name :Gshan


def printdata (name):
	print (“Example-2 Keyword arguments”)
	print (“Name :”, name)
# Now you can call printdata() function
printdata (name1 = “Gshan”)

When the above code is executed, it produces the following result :

TypeError: printdata() got an unexpected keyword argument 'name1'


def printdata (name, age):
	print ("Example-3 Keyword arguments")
	print ("Name :",name)
	print ("Age :",age)
# Now you can call printdata() function
printdata (age=25, name="Gshan")

When the above code is executed, it produces the following result:


Example-3 Keyword arguments

Name : Gshan

Age : 25

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