Basic Table

In HTML, a table is used to display data in rows and columns. The <table> tag is used to create a table, and it contains rows (<tr>) and cells (<td> for data, <th> for headers).

Basic Table Structure

<table border="1">
        <td>New York</td>


Alice25New York

Attributes of <table> in HTML

borderAdds a border around the table & cells<table border="1">
cellpaddingSpace inside a cell between text & border<table cellpadding="10">
cellspacingSpace between cells<table cellspacing="5">
widthDefines the table width (in pixels or %)<table width="80%">
heightDefines the table height (in pixels or %)<table height="300px">
alignAligns the table (left, center, right)<table align="center">
bgcolorSets the background color of the table<table bgcolor="lightblue">

Attributes of <tr> (Table Row)

alignAligns text (left, center, right)<tr align="center">
bgcolorSets background color for a row<tr bgcolor="yellow">
valignAligns content vertically (top, middle, bottom)<tr valign="top">

Attributes of <td> and <th> (Table Cells)

colspanMerges multiple columns<td colspan="2">Merged</td>
rowspanMerges multiple rows<td rowspan="2">Merged</td>
widthSets the width of a cell<td width="100px">
heightSets the height of a cell<td height="50px">
alignAligns text (left, center, right)<td align="center">
valignAligns content vertically (top, middle, bottom)<td valign="top">
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