Passing Array to function
Passing Array to function
With the help of Pointer we can pass Array as a argument in Function. Array name is a also a pointer variable that hold the address of zero index number element, so when we pass a array name, then we passing the address of zero index number so we need a pointer variable to hold the address of zero index number.
The Syntax of declaring a function:
Return type function_name(data_type pointer_variable_name,…..);
Void printIntArray(int *,int);
#include<stdio.h> void printArray(int *,int); int main() { int numbers[5]={7,8,3,6,7}; printArray(numbers,5); return 0; } void printArray(int *ptr,int l) { int i; printf("\nArray elements Are: "); for(i=1;i<=l;i++) { printf("\t%d",*ptr); ptr++; } }