the Return statement

The Return statement

The return statement causes your function to exit and returns a value to its caller. The point of functions in general is to take inputs and return something.

The return statement is used when a function is ready to return a value to its caller. So, only one return statement is executed at run time even though the function contains multiple return statements.

Any number of 'return' statements are allowed in a function definition but only one of them is executed at run time.

Syntax of return

return [expression list ]

This statement can contain expression which gets evaluated and the value is returned. If there is no expression in the statement or the return statement itself is not present inside a function, then the function will return the None object.

Example :

# return statment
def usr_abs (n):
	if n>=0:
		return n
		return –n
# Now invoking the function
x=int (input(“Enter a number :”)
print (usr_abs (x))

Output 1:

Enter a number : 25


Output 2:

Enter a number : -25


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