Local variables
Local variables
A variable with local scope can be accessed only within the function/block that it is created in. When a variable is created inside the function/block, the variable becomes local to it. A local variable only exists while the function is executing.
def test ( ):
y = 20
print "Value of x is ‟, X, „; y is ‟ , y
print "Value of x is ‟, X, „ y is „ , y
On executing the code we will get
Value of x is 50; y is 20
The next print statement will produce an error, because the variable y is not accessible outside the function body.
A global variable remains global, till it is not recreated inside the function/block.
def test ( ):
print "Value of x & y inside the function are " , x , y
print "Value of x outside the function is " , x
This code will produce following output:
Value of x & y inside the function are 5 2
Value of x outside the function is 50
If we want to refer to global variable inside the function then keyword global will be prefixed with it.
def test ( ):
global x
x =2
y = 2
print „Value of x & y inside the function are „ , x , y
print „Value of x outside function is „ , x
This code will produce following output:
Value of x & y inside the function are 2 2
Value of x outside the function is 2