String Handling
Java : String Handling Program List
Program [1]
Java program to enter a sentence and print the words which starting with a vowel
Program [2]
Java Program to Swap first and last character of each words in a Sentence
Program [3]
Java program to remove duplicate character from string
Program [4]
java to swap first character of each word with next character
Program [5]
Java Program to check input string is Palindrome or Not
Program [6]
Java program to from a new word by extracting the first letter of each word in the entered sentence
Program [7]
Java program to convert first letter of each word in a sentence to uppercase and the remaining letters to lowercase
Program [8]
java program to check entered word is happy word or not
Program [9]
java program to check whether the given string is pangram or not.
Program [10]
java program to find the potential of a word is found by adding the ASCII value of the alphabets
Program [11]
java program to input a string in uppercase and print the frequency of each character
Program [12]
java program to count the double letter sequences word in given string
Program [13]
java program to encodes a word into Piglatin
Program [14]
java program to print file name and extension of file from given url
Program [15]
java program to accept date in dd mm yyyy format and check whether it is valid date or not
Program [16]
java program to print and count all the palindrome words in input sentence
Program [17]
java program to count the number of vowel and consonants in each word of sentence
Program [18]
java program to reverse each words of string
Program [19]
java program to find the frequency of given word present in string
Program [20]
java program to encode a string based on move
Program [21]
java program to check word or phrase is anagram or not
Program [22]
java program to find the largest and smallest word in sentence
Program [23]
Java program to print only those words which contains all five vowels
Program [24]
java program to find the Maximum Occurrence character in given string