

The compiler program translates the instructions of a highlevel language to a machine level language.

A separate compiler is required for every highlevel language.

High level language is simply a programmer’s convenience and cannot be executed in their source.

The actual highlevel program is called a source program.

It is compiled (translated) to machine level language program called object program for that machine by the compiler.

Such compilers are called selfresident compilers.

Compiler compiles the full program and reports the errors at the end.

What is "compilation”?

The compiler is the tool to convert a program written in a high level language into the sequence of machine instructions required by a specific computer to accomplish the task.

Users typically control details of the operation of compilers by means of options supplied on the command line, or directives embedded in the program source, but they seldom need to examine the resulting machine language code.

This process of converting high level language to machine level is called compilation.

The translation of source code into object code by a compiler.

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