JAVA Conditional Statements
Java : JAVA Conditional Statements Program List
Program [1]
java program to input an integer and check whether it is greater than 100, or less than 100 or equal to 100
Program [2]
java program to input the Selling Price and Cost Price of a commodity and find the Profit or Loss made upon selling the product
Program [3]
java program to check whether a int type number taken as input is a positive, negative or a zero
Program [4]
java program to check whether a short type number taken as input is an even number or an odd number
Program [5]
java program to accept an int type value as a parameter and print the square of it, if it is more than 120, otherwise print its cube
Program [6]
java program to input 5 real numbers and find their average If the average is greater than 50 print good otherwise print bad
Program [7]
java program to check whether an int type number taken as input is a multiple of 5 or not
Program [8]
java program to check whether an input integer number is a 2 digit number or not
Program [9]
java program to check whether an input number is a 3 digit number and divisible by three or not
Program [10]
java program to input 2 integers and check whether both the numbers are multiples of 7 or not
Program [11]
java program to input three integers and check whether all of them are unique from each other or not
Program [12]
java program to input 2 integer number and divide the larger number with smaller number
Program [13]
java program to accept three sides of a triangle as parameter and check whether it can form a triangle or not
Program [14]
Write a program to accept a mark obtained by a student in computer science and print the grades accordingly:
Program [15]
Write a java program to input the total cost and compute and display the amount to be paid by the customer after availing the discount
Program [16]
java program to input number of unit electricity consumed and calculate electricity bill
Program [17]
java program to calculate the fine assuming that a book is returned N days late
Program [18]
java program to check whether input number is a 5digit number or not If it is extract the central digit
Program [19]
java program to input 3 unique integers and print the smallest among them
Program [20]
java program to input the three angles of a triangle and check whether it Acute Obtuse or a Right angled triangle
Program [21]
java program to input the three sides of a triangle and check whether it equilateral isosceles or a scalene triangle
Program [22]
java program to accept three sides of a triangle and check whether it is an acute angled obtuse angled or right angled triangle
Program [23]
java program to input a number and check whether it is special two digit number or not
Program [24]
java menu driven program to calculate the maturity amount of a Bank Deposit using the switch statement
Program [25]
Java to accept three numbers and check whether they are Pythagorean triples or not
Program [26]
java program to check number is buzz number or not
Program [27]
java program to find absolute value of number
Program [28]
java program to check number is negative positive or zero
Program [29]
java program to create arithmetic calculator
Program [30]
java program that prints the month name based on the input month serial number
Program [31]
java program to print number of days in given month serial number