Font face size and color in HTML

Font face size and color in HTML

By using <FONT> Tag one can specify the colors, size of the text.


<FONT> Your text goes here </FONT>

Attributes of <FONT> are:

COLOR: Sets the color of the text that will appear on the screen. It can be set by giving the value as #rr0000 for red in RGB hexadecimal format), or by name.


<FONT COLOR="RED"> Your text goes here </FONT>

SIZE: Sets the size of the text, takes value between 1 and 7, default is 3. Size can also be set relative to default size for example; SIZE=+X, where X is any integer value and it will add with the default size.


<FONT SIZE=5> Font Size changes to 5 </FONT>
<FONT SIZE=+2> Font Size changes to 5 i.e. default size (3)±2</FONT>

FACE: Sets the normal font type, provided it is installed on the user’s machine.


<FONT FACE="ARIAL"> the text will be displayed in Arial</FONT>
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